Drone Capabilities


Drone Spraying

Crops and Fields :

  • Corn

  • Soybeans

  • Alfalfa

  • CRP, Pastures, and other agricultural crops

  • Difficult to access fields

  • Small, steep/sloped fields


  • Fungicides

  • Micronutrients

  • Sulfur

  • Boron

  • And other agricultural products

Drone Spreading


  • Cover Crops

  • CRP, Pastures, etc.

  • Various seed sizes

  • Difficult to access fields

  • Small, steep/sloped fields

Dry Fertilizer:

  • AMS

  • Urea

  • Phosphorus

  • Potash

  • Sulfur

  • Zinc

  • Other agricultural products

Drone Benefits

  • Push yields to the next level by precise and timely product application

  • Assist the farmer with his own on farm research to show a return on investment (ROI)

  • Accurate application maps

  • Experience lower capital expenses and operating costs compared to other aerial options

  • Ability to apply products shortly after a rain fall event

  • Reduce soil compaction

  • Maneuver around obstacles utilizing a built-in obstacle avoidance system

Contact us for a quote